If you browse the menu, you'll find the most relevant Can Yaman's information available, so you can know a little more about him and his professional career (his private life won't be discussed)

You're now in the English section, and although all languages have more or less the same info, if you visit every news section, you'll be able to see specific content from those countries that Can has visited or in which he's had the greatest impact. For instance, the Spanish news include the interview by Cazamariposas in Cannes, or the news from Greece and Italy has specific videos and links talking about his visits.

So go ahead! This is what you'll find if each category:


Info that Can has shared about his family, his years as an student and how he started his acting career. Including the charity events he has been a part of or supported.

T.V. Shows

A summary of his acting career, the awards he has won because of his great work and also some commercials.

News and Magazines

Some of the best Can Yaman's quotes from interviews. There are many more, but I'm sure they can help you to get an idea about ​​how Can thinks or feels about certain topics. And to gather some more info about him :)

Of course, this is just the tip of the iceberg. Remember that to get more info, you can visit the several links that I've included in each section. In addition to that, there's a list at the Fans category of social media profiles and web pages that are always up to date with everything Can Yaman's related, from all over the world.

And of course, if you think there's something you can contribute with (info, links, better banners, LOL, etc), don't hesitate and contact me: leave a comment (they are moderated, don't worry if it takes a while until you can see it) or contact me on Twitter or Instagram #CanYamanWorld